
Magazine example and analysis

This cover uses a two-tone style for the images which has the connotations of being “urban” and it has a similar feel to banksy image which makes the images look more rebellious. The mast head is a similar colour and the same shape in each issue of the magazine which can make readers instantly recognise which magazine it is. The colour of the text changes in each issue to make each cover different and unique, it also make the masthead fit in with the colour scheme used on the cover.

The target audience for this magazine is people who are in college or other forms of education. This audience is effectively attracted because the colour scheme makes the image look more attractive and will grab attention while also suiting the target audience because the way the colours are “splashed” all over the page, makes the image look like a messy piece of graffiti (sort of). 

The text connotates a sense of importance because all the letters are in capital letters and stand out more, making them seem more important. Also, the way the text in the centre tilts, makes this text seem more important than the others because it stands out from the straight angled title.

The images used in the cover show people having lots of fun. This gives connotations of the activities the magazine is advertising being fun and makes the audience like and want that sort of experience, making them want to know more and therefore read the magazine.

This magazine is therefore effective because it attracts the target audience and makes someone want to read the magazine through the ideas commutated through visual and media language.

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