
Conventions Analysis

This image is about the conventions of a front cover and a brief evaluation of whether they are used effectively on this front cover, based on Media Language, Ideology, Institution, Audience and Representation (LIIAR).

The image used on the front cover shows the model in a casual set of clothes. This connotates the idea of the college being relaxed and and casual because they le him wear those clothes  Also, the fact that he is holding educational books as well as being dressed casually connotates the idea of the college or the student having a casual atmosphere but also being very educational at the same time.

The cover is made by someone trying to make an informative piece about colleges and the local info involving local stories and general education stories. The front cover effectively shows the same conventions of stories made by this sort of institution so it is easily recognised.

The main image is made to look like someone who would go to college and be successful so it connotates the idea of him being and "ideal" student and person. This will attract the audience effectively. Also, the image is made to look like a stereotypical student so the audience can recognise he is a student and understand what the magazine is about.

The image on the front is of someone is will appeal to the target audience of the magazine because the model is around the same age as the reader or is made to look like it. Also, the secondary colours used in the titles and the masthead; make the cover look more professional and more "grown up" because if the colours were mainly primary, it would connotate a childish theme and if tertiary colours were used the image would look miserable so the correct audience would not be attracted and wouldn't buy the magazine.

The colour green used in the Masthead connotates the ideology of the prosperity and "freshness". This makes the cover show the college look more "prosperous" and successful. This makes the college and the college lifestyle as a whole, look better and look more attractive.

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