

This post is about the different types of framing available and whether they can be used in college magazine

Extreme Close up

This is used to draw emphasis to a specific point or in the case above; emotion/face. These make the viewer see the intended amount of detail in an image.

Close up

This is used for mainly the same reason as an Extreme Close up but it doesn't  create as much emphasis doesn't draw as much attention as the extreme close up.

Medium Close up

Medium close up shot shows someone from the chest up and is the most used type of framing in a college magazine.

Medium Shot

The Medium shot is of a person from the waist up. This is used to show a persons stature and is sometimes used in a college magazine.

Medium Long shot

This is a picture of someone from the legs up and is rarely used in a college magazine but it is sometimes.

Long Shot

This is used as an establishing shot to show the scene or show a landscape and is used in college magazines to show parts of a college.

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