I made some polls on my blog to find out what my target audience thought about certain issues regarding a music magazine. I hope this will help me create a music magazine that is suited to them and will attract the right audience effectively
Poll 1
This poll was about what people were interested in. I used four things that were likely to be used on a double page spread and asked people which they believe is the most interesting to be used. I found that the reviews was the most popular with interviews and recent music news being close behind. I will try to use all these in the magazine because i think they are the most relevant to the music magazine genre. Also, i will research how these are made to look effective and how they are used correctly in real magazines, this should help me decide whether to include them in my magazine and how i will produce them
Poll 2
This poll was about what made people want to buy the magazine in the first place, in regards to the front cover. The result of the poll shows that people are more interested in the main picture than the colour or the masthead. This could include how the picture is taken, who is in it or how it is used but i think i must research into how the front covers image can be produced effectively, helping the magazine seem effective and more professional. The poll also shows hat some people are more interested in the name of the magazine and its status in the music world. I think i have a grasp on the concept of a magazines image and status but i must research it to fully understand how it is used to its full potential.
Poll 3
This poll asked people what they thought the main audience is for a music magazine and the answers reinforced what i already knew about the audiences and who they are. The older teens and early 20's are the most likely to buy i a music magazine while younger teens can sometimes buy them but are less likely. This poll will hopefully help me target my magazine at the correct audience and the right people without it looking to vague and not attracting any of them.
Poll 4
This poll asked people how they magazine should feel and what pace it should have. This is because different magazines have different paces, for example; Q has a slower and more intellectual pace, creating a more professional and relaxed vibe, while Kerrang! is more fast paced and energetic creating a less serious and more fun magazine. The results show that people prefer this type of magazine because it shows that 80% of people who voted prefer the fast paced (even though the poll said Fat paced by accident) and concise magazine. I think that this is because the target audience prefer the genre of music that is related to this type of pace and magazine. This will allow me to make the magazine the right style to suit the audience and will hopefully keep them interested in it without going over the top
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